Tag Archives: costume contests

The Inexplicable Stress of Cosplaying Gets to the Duck

I’ve been stressing myself out quite a bit lately over my newest costume for the 2015 masquerade. I still need to type up a post on my progress, but for now, suffice it to say, I’m freaking myself out, largely for no reason. I’m sure I’ll get everything done in plenty of time, despite having to work with material I am not familiar with, such as craft foam and resin. And I have to give my wig a haircut… Nevertheless, I think my costume really will turn out pretty good, but my stress seems to be coming out in my sleep, considering the great number of dreams I’ve been having where the masquerade turns disastrous.

The night of 2/11/15, I dreamt I went to the comicon with my parents. I was dressed in my Ghirahim costume, and we walked about this immensely crowded place while looking for something my dad wanted to buy. It eventually occurred to me…I had completely forgotten about prejudging. It felt as if many hours had passed, but it was merely 9:30 in the morning, so I thought I would be okay. And yet, despite the hour, the line was absurd, and I worried I wouldn’t be allowed to enter the contest because they had too many entrants. I waited in line, which looped through all these rooms, and I did get to see the judges after quite some time. Continue reading The Inexplicable Stress of Cosplaying Gets to the Duck

The Duck’s Mini Comicon Tour 2014

Well, the comicon and the masquerade are now over, and I had a really wonderful time. It was actually one of the best days of my life, and the post for it is over on United We Game, if you want to check out the full article, including videos of some of my favorite performances. But, seeing as I began writing about this whole affair on this blog, I thought it would be most fitting to include extra photos here, including extra pictures of my costume. So don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you guys out. To be honest, though, I was so busy that day that, for the most part, I didn’t take many pictures of other people’s costumes, even though I planned to, but I do still have some things to share with you all that I thought were cool. (The stuff on my own costume will be towards the end of the post, including a video of my performance that someone in the audience recorded and put on Youtube. How awesome! Thank you, person!) Continue reading The Duck’s Mini Comicon Tour 2014