A New Blog is Born

I have a blog!  Wow!  Hello and welcome!  I felt like writing about my attempts to pursue my numerous, little hobbies.  What I have been working on is writing and art, and I would love to earn money with these things someday.

            So anyway, I like to draw pictures on Photoshop, for one thing.  Fan art and original stuff.  Perhaps, I’ll show you some time.  And a few poems that I need to try and get published, and I’m writing a novel (Aren’t we all?).  No, seriously, I actually am.  And many parts of it disturb me, but they say most people never finish a novel, so I will, if for nothing more than to rub it in people’s faces.  (I’m at about 48,000 words so far.  I heard 50,000 is novel length.)  Also, because I love them, because I want people to think I’m awesome and want to see me at conventions, and because it is likely what I need to further improve my art skills (if that’s the word to describe what I have), I’m working on a comic.  Not sure how many issues yet, but I got most of the plot planned out and I’m guessing 19 pages of the script.  I’m a busy, busy manatee.  Yet, surprisingly not.

            So, this is dedicated to my “creative” endeavors.  Any beginners who’d like help, I’d be happy to (and I mean beginning beginners).  Any professionals or really anyone above the amateur level, I’d gladly heed your advice.  So please join me as I log my efforts to obtain success and all-around awesomeness.

 The Duck of Indeed

5 thoughts on “A New Blog is Born

  1. What’s the novel about? What’s the comic about? Please share an excerpt from the novel as a teaser and some of your art as well.

    Related fan, Terri


  2. You express yourself very well. If you write your novel this good I can honestly believe that you will publish a novel. Can’t wait to read your poems.


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